Tuesday, December 21, 2004


The good the bad and the ugly...

Well, my day was quite an adventure... it started out with work, where I was taking care of this darling little girl, she was missing all 4 of her top teeth and was super cute! The day before she would get really excited every time I came in the room and gave me lots of hugs and a kiss. Today she was really tired and slept a ton, at 10 she desated (she didn't have enough oxygen in her blood) to 60% (we like kids to be above 92%) so the Dr's had to give her lots of oxygen. We thought that would be all for the day.... little did I know. I was sitting down to lunch and had been there for about 15 min when all of a sudden I heard the staff emergency alarm go off, followed by the code alarm! Well, of course we took off running and I knew in my heart what room I'd be running to, mine with my darling little patient inside. Her mother was there screaming and crying and my patient was on the bed limp and turning a little dusky. I ran out of the room and called the code team to come that we had a kid who had stopped breathing. It was a frantic hour as we worked on getting her to breath and to keep her blood pressure up, people and doctors were in and out of the room which got more crowded by the second. The mom was taken to the chaplan and we set about taking care of this girl. We finally got her intubated and sent her to the ICU where they stabalized her and sent her to have a CAT- scan, to try and figure out what was wrong. I have talked to the mom since the ordeal and things seem to be going well. I am definitley keeping them in my prayers and thoughts!! It was dificult as this was my 1st code and on a pt that was mine and I loved so much!

On the good side, after work I came home to a note on my door from Dan, I thought "no he can't possibly be here" but as I opened the door I was right he was there!! He had decorated my apt. with red and white votive candles and flowers and had made me lasagna and peach cobbler and poured sparkling cider for us. It was sooo good to see him after such a long day! After dinner he gave me my christmas presents, a miniature fireplace, white dance shoes, snow white and prince charming in her wedding dress, a Phantom of the Opera CD, some candles and a little black box... with a diamond ring inside, he got down on one knee and told me how much he loved me and asked if I would be his wife. I suppose I nodded (I thought I said yes, but was informed I never actually said anything :-) ) and he put the ring on my finger. What an end to a long day!! So sometime in the not too distant future there is a wedding in store for me :-)

Sunday, December 19, 2004


A class room of 30 kids sounds good right about now..

Let me say, I never thought so little snow would be so awful!! Driving home from work tonight was like driving on a giant, and hilly, ice rink. Cars everywhere were stuck, tires spinning, going forward, going back trying to make any progression at all towards their final destination. And of couse that included me and my big van, oh joy! It was awful, it took over 25 min to accomplish a 7 min drive, inching, spinning, sliding my way home, the snow on the road has completely turned to slicker than snot, icy snow. And just when I was about to breathe a sigh of thanks that I was almost home... my turn onto my road was blocked by other cars, so I had to go down and then up another hill till I could make it home... :-P I have now arrived safely at my little appt, which has never looked better!, and am calling it an early night so I can do this all again tomorrow morning (yay) There are some days I just wish I was a teacher!!

Saturday, December 18, 2004


so far

Last night I went to a tennis game (that's right, an actually sporting event) and saw Lindsay Davenport (#1 tennis player in the world) play Maria Shorapova (#4 in the world). These people can hit a tennis ball at 115 mph!! Yikes, wouldn't want to be hit with that!!! It was fun, and man are those girls good! Other than that, it's been work as usual and shopping for Christmas presents. One more week!!! I can't wait, only 32 more hours of work before my break! :-D YAY! We'll this is a short blog, I have to work in the AM. Till next time....

Monday, December 13, 2004


My 1st entry :-)

Hi to whom ever actually reads this. Things, have been going well for me lately, last weekend (12/4-12/5) I went to visit my favorite Navy nurses in Norfolk, VA. It was soooooooooooooooo great to see them!! I have missed them and their wonderful laughter tremendously! It was a great time of catching up (and watching food network :-) with my future/maybe co-chef Nikki :-) ) Since then, I smashed the front of my car up as I rear-ended someone on a very gross, rainy, foggy, day :-( Luckily it can all be fixed and I can still drive my car. Other than that, it's work work work, but I am actually getting off a week for Christmas so that its WONDERFUL!! Speaking of Christmas, it is definitely my FAVORITE time of the year!! I love everything about it (except the crazy shopping!) The decorations, times with family and friends, the music, and most importantly the WONDERFUL gift of our Savior!!

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