Tuesday, January 11, 2005


What's new??

Work. In 3 weeks we (my unit at the hospital) officially becomes the pediatric burn unit. Right now we are doing construction to make a treatment room for the burn dressing changes, etc. It's a big change and definitely not something I ever saw myself doing! (ask my fellow classmates!) However, I am looking forward to the change and the new challenges it brings, it's more interesting than asthma or pneumonia that's for sure. My little girl that coded has been back on our floor since new years and is doing better, though she is having a few set backs, but we (all of the nurses on our floor) have fallen in love with her! She is super cute!!

Life. Wedding planning (ugh) very stressful, I have picked out the girls dresses and have narrowed mine down to 2. The big thing now is a church and a photographer and somehow getting this done inbetween work... we shall see.

Life some more. Meggie spent the night before going back to school, it was so good to see her and spend time with her!! She has one semester left and then off to the air force she goes. :-S Not sure what I think, I want her to be near but she'll be where ever they want her. (I am hoping she can get off Aug 5 and 6)!!

That's all that's new for now... my car should be coming back this week, thank goodness! I hate rental cars, it makes me more stressed and paranoid. Oh well. TTYL.

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