Friday, March 25, 2005


It's been a while...

So things at work have been super busy this past month the second we have one kid leave the floor we have about 100 more come to fill that room. Nothing like getting an admission to the floor 20 minutes before you are supposed to be leaving!! Grrr.... Now we are the official children's burn unit (along with our med/surg patients) so we have been getting lots of those kids, nothing too serious yet lots of minor things like hot soup or coffee or boiling water burns. It makes you realize just how much a parent needs to be watching their kids!! I like it though, it's a challenge and we now get all age kids on the floor so it's been fun having some 20month old kids for a change. Meggie came home for spring break so we got to hang out a few days it was great to see her for the 1st time since Jan!! She heads off to Texas some time this summer for 9 months of school after her comissioning and then she'll be stationed somewhere, we don't know where yet. Well, I must get going just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive! :-) Till next time....
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